External transfers

For both database and XML transfer logging, transfers outside the direct control of the Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom application can also be logged by dropping XML files into the Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom logs\autoxfer\ directory.  One XML file represents a send start or complete, a receive start or complete, or transfer in-process.  Files must conform to Cleo's webserver\WEB-INF\schemas\autoxfer.xsd schema.

In addition to the XML schema where the <Transferid> and <Status> elements are always required, the following are also required:
  • For method=sendStart or receiveStart:
    • <Startdt>, <Transport>, <Host>, and <Mailbox> are required
  • For method=transferInProcess:
    • <Transferbytes> and <Transfertime> are required
  • For method=sendComplete or receiveComplete:
    • <Enddt>, <Resulttext>, <Transferbytes>, and <Transfertime> are required
    • <Startdt> is also required if XML logging is in use (in order to find the XML file, which are per day)

The XML files are processed sequentially in sorted order, usually within a second. For a given transfer, the sorted order of the files must match the chronological order of a transfer - the transfer-start XML file first, any transfer-in-process XML files (if any are used) next, and the transfer-complete XML file last.