Cleo VLProxy configuration reference

Provide values for these field to configure a Cleo VLProxy instance.

Proxy Server Address
Port #
Server address and port number to use for the Cleo VLProxy. These are required fields.
Forward proxy group
One or more instances of Cleo VLProxy grouped together for different purposes, for example, internal vs. external communications.
To create a new group, type the name of the group in the text box.
To select an existing group, pull down the menu and select a group.
Forward proxy backup only
Select this check box to specify this proxy as a backup for other proxies in the same group. The Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom application will attempt to use an available backup Cleo VLProxy instance only if it is unable to use the primary forward Cleo VLProxy instance.
You cannot select the same proxy to be a backup and the default forward proxy at either the system or host level.
Forward proxy load balance
Select this check box to balance forward proxy requests across all the available instances of Cleo VLProxy based on the current number of connections to each. Any backup instances configured are included in the load balancing when the primary Cleo VLProxy in not available.
This field is only available when there are multiple instances of Cleo VLProxy configured in the same group.
Enable reverse proxying
Select this check box to use the reverse proxy feature of the Cleo VLProxy application for incoming HTTP messages. If you enable reverse proxying, the reverse proxy is used for all asynchronous MDNs for all AS2 hosts.
If you select the Enable reverse proxying check box, the Reverse forward connections check box is enabled.
Reverse forward connections
Select this check box to indicate that all incoming reverse requests from the Cleo VLProxy application should use connections that originate from the Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom application forward to the Cleo VLProxy application. In other words, with this setting on, no inbound HTTP or HTTP/s port need be open through the firewall for incoming Cleo VLProxy requests. In fact, the HTTP and HTTP/s ports in the Local Listener can be disabled unless there is also local traffic coming directly to the Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom application.
The product establishes an available reverse connection pool with the Cleo VLProxy application, the size of which is based on the Local Listener Incoming Connection Backlog Size advanced property (see Specifying Local Listener advanced properties). When an incoming request uses one of the available connections, the pool is immediately replenished. If the request to the Cleo VLProxy application is over a secure port, the connection to the Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom application is converted to a secure port just prior to the incoming request starting. (Note: If not using Reverse forward connections and the request to the Cleo VLProxy application is over a secure port, the request from the Cleo VLProxy application into the Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom application uses a secure port if the Local Listener HTTP/s port is enabled.) While maintaining the available connection pool does add extra overhead, connections are established ahead of time; therefore, throughput with Reverse forward connections on or off should be comparable.
Selecting the Reverse forward connections check box also enables the Proxy Connection(s) portion of the dialog box.
Proxy Certificate(s)
SSL Certificate
Use Local Listener SSL Server Certificate(s)

Select this option to use the SSL certificate(s) configured in the Local Listener for both connections coming in through the Cleo VLProxy application and connections coming directly into the Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom application.

Select Proxy SSL Certificate
Select this option to specify an SSL certificate and password to use for connections coming in through the Cleo VLProxy application. The SSL certificates configured in the Local Listener are used for connections coming directly into the Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom application. You can use different SSL certificates for each instance of the Cleo VLProxy application.
You can click Browse to navigate to and select a certificate.
SSH Certificate
Use Local Listener SSH Server Certificate
Select this option to use the SSH certificate configured in the Local Listener for both connections coming in through Cleo VLProxy and connections coming directly into Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom.
Select Proxy SSH Certificate
Select this option to specify an SSH certificate and password to use for connections coming in through Cleo VLProxy. The SSL certificates configured in the Local Listener are used for connections coming directly into Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom.
You can click Browse to navigate to and select a certificate.
Use Proxy SSL Certificate
Select this check box to use the proxy SSL certificate specified in Cleo VLProxy for both SSL and SSH connectionsYou can use different SSH certificates for each Cleo VLProxy.