Use this tab to associate a trading partner's signing and encryption certificates with
this mailbox and to override your own Local Listener's signing and encryption certificates, if
Acquire your trading partner's signing/encryption certificates and provide your trading
partner with your signing/encryption certificates. See Acquiring your trading partner's signing and encryption certificates and Creating and providing your signing/encryption certificates.
- Trading Partner's Certificates
- Encryption Certificate
- The name of the file containing your Trading Partner's encryption certificate.
The public key of this certificate is used to encrypt payloads of outgoing User
- Specify a value or click Browse to navigate to the file
you want to select.
Note: This value is reflected as read-only through the
- Signing Certificate
- Select the check box to enable the field.
- The name of the file containing your Trading Partner's signing certificate. If
the incoming <wsse:Security> header does not contain a
<wsse:BinarySecurityToken> element, then this certificate's
public key is used for signature validation.
- Specify a value or click Browse to navigate to the file
you want to select.
Note: This value is reflected as read-only through the
- Use encryption certificate
- Indicates that your trading partner uses the same certificate for signing and
encryption, which is a common practice among trading partners. When you select
this check box, the Signing Certificate field is populated
with the same certificate you selected in the Encryption
Certificate field.
- My Certificates
- Override Local Listener Certificates
- Enables fields where you specify signing and encryption certificates to use with
this particular partner instead of the certificates you configured for the Local
Listener. See Configuring certificates for Local Listener.
- If you override the default certificates, you must also exchange the
certificates you specify here with your partner.
- Signing Certificate Alias
- The name of the signing certificate registered with the VersaLex application through the Certificate Manager. This
certificate is used to sign selected components (as configured through the
PMode.Security.X509.Sign settings) of outbound User Messages
and Receipt Signals.
- Click Browse to view and select a certificate. Enter the
Password for your signing certificate's private key.
- Encryption Certificate Alias
- The name of the encryption certificate registered with the VersaLex application through the Certificate Manager. This
certificate is used to decrypt inbound User Messages.
- Click Browse to view and select a certificate. Enter the
Password for your encryption certificate.
- Use signing certificate
- Select this check box to use the same certificate for signing and decrypting
your trading partner's messages. The Encryption Certificate
Alias and Password are populated to match the
Signing Certificate Alias and disabled.
- Exchange Certificates
- Invokes the Certificate Exchange dialog box. If you
override the default the certificates, you must exchange these alternate
certificates with your trading partner.