AS4 Host: HTTP Tab

Use the AS4 tab to specify values for HTTP-specific parameters.

Indicates whether you use SSL or not for outbound file transfers.
Do not require use SSL
Require SSL for outbound file transfers.
If you select HTTP/s, you can select Check certificate server name.
HTTP/s only
Require your trading partner to use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for inbound file transfers.
Lists the commands available to AS4. PUT will initiate a push operation and GET will initiate a pull operation.
Specifies the HTTP verb to be used. The only valid Method for AS4 commands is POST.
The server Path for the command.
If the remote server is also using the VersaLex application, the path should be /as4. The resource path must be properly specified in order for your trading partner’s system to process messages from you. Given the URL provided by your remote trading partner in the form:


Enter the bolded portion in this field (if it was supplied).

By default, no Parameters are specified for sending AS4 messages. If parameters are required, they must be obtained from your trading partner when the trading relationship is established. Given the URL provided by your remote trading partner in the form: 


Enter the bolded portion in this field (if it was supplied).


The Header fields are filled in at the Mailbox level and specify values to be set in the HTTP headers that precede the body (actual content) of the message to be sent.

The following Header can optionally be specified when sending AS4 messages:

  • Content-Type - specifies the format of the message being sent and is used by the sending and receiving applications to properly assemble and parse the message.

    AS4 template hosts provide options of four different content-types: application/octet-stream, application/xml, text/xml, and text/plain. It is recommended that you set this type (through the mailbox HTTP tab) according to the payload type. If the payload type is unknown, a content-type setting of application/octet-stream is recommended as it generally represents all types of data. If this optional parameter is not specified, then a default is determined based on whether SOAP with Attachments (SwA) packaging (application/octet-stream) or <Body> payload (text/xml) is being used.