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Cleo Harmony
Cleo VLTrader
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Cleo LexiCom
Cleo Technical Support
Send Information to Technical Support
About Actions
, Host Actions,
and Hosts
Tree Structure
Screen layout
Tree Pane
Content Pane
Folder table
Configuration panel
Messages Pane
Status Bar
Log file
Dial-up Connections
Runtime Options
Using your program
User Interface options
Requiring logins
Using the new Web Admin UI
Accessing Classic mode in the Web UI
Settings persistence in the Web UI
Controlling dialog boxes in the Web UI
Using the Classic Mode Web Admin UI
Using the Web Browser UI
Creating active host subfolders
Searching for a host property value
Watching messages
Determining status
Controlling the program
Using the command line
Running from the command line
Generating an operator audit trail report from the command line
Generating a log report from the command line
Generating email from the command line
Generating a transfer report from command line
Using Autorun
Auto starting the VersaLex daemon in UNIX environments
Starting as a daemon on Solaris
Starting as a daemon on HP-UX
Running as a daemon on Linux
Starting as a daemon on systemd
Starting as a daemon on System V
Entropy and Linux systems
Starting as a daemon on AIX
Using a Custom Splash Screen
System Configuration
Monitoring source deletion
Configuring password policies
Setting up a GEGXS IBC dial-up connection (Windows users only)
Setting up a dial-up connection (Windows users only)
Setting up a LexiCom dial-up connection (Windows users only)
Configuring email or execute based on results
Generating files for an integration
Activating TradeLink communications agent service
Using macro variables
Using wildcards and regular expressions
Hosts – Web UI
Web UI Host Tree
Activating a host from a template in the Web UI
Advanced search options
Hosts and Mailboxes – Native and Classic Web UI
Activating a host from a template
Cloning and activating a pre-configured host
Configuring an active host
Creating a custom preconfigured host
Using the wizard to create a host or mailbox
Configuring mailbox packaging
Configuring partner mailbox packaging
OpenPGP partner mailbox packaging reference
XML encryption partner mailbox packaging reference
Configuring local mailbox packaging
OpenPGP local mailbox packaging reference
XML encryption local mailbox packaging reference
Determining and providing your URL information
Acquiring your trading partner's signing and encryption certificates
Creating and providing your signing/encryption certificates
Emailing a profile to your trading partner
Sending a copy of a document to another host
Setting advanced host properties
Working with actions
Composing an action
Composing a host action
Using operating system commands in actions
Running and stopping an action
Host Technical Reference
FTP and FTP/s Hosts
FTP Configuration
FTP Host Configuration
FTP Host: General Tab
FTP Host: FTP Tab
FTP Host: Advanced Tab
FTP Mailbox Configuration
FTP Mailbox: FTP Tab
FTP Mailbox: Security Tab
FTP Mailbox: Packaging Tab
FTP Action Configuration
FTP Action: Action Tab
FTP Command Reference
HTTP and HTTP/s Hosts
HTTP Configuration
HTTP Host: General Tab
HTTP Host: Advanced Tab
HTTP Mailbox
HTTP Mailbox: HTTP Tab
HTTP Mailbox: Authenticate Tab
HTTP Mailbox: Security Tab
HTTP Mailbox: Packaging Tab
HTTP Trading Partner
HTTP Trading Partner: Identifier Tab
HTTP Action
HTTP Action: Action Tab
HTTP Command Reference
AS2 Hosts
AS2 Process Map
AS2 Configuration
AS2 Host Configuration
AS2 Host: General Tab
AS2 Host: AS2 Tab
AS2 Host: HTTP Tab
AS2 Host: Advanced Tab
AS2 Mailbox Configuration
AS2 Mailbox: AS2 Tab
AS2 Mailbox: Certificates Tab
AS2 Mailbox: HTTP Tab
AS2 Mailbox: Authenticate Tab
AS2 Mailbox: Security Tab
AS2 Mailbox: Packaging Tab
AS2 Trading Partner
AS2 Action
AS2 Action: Action Tab
Sending Multiple Files within the Same Payload
Testing Your AS2 Installation
AS2-Specific Directories
AS2 Firewall Considerations
AS2 Troubleshooting
AS3 Hosts
AS3 Configuration
AS3 Host
AS3 Host: General Tab
AS3 Host: AS3 Tab
AS3 Host: FTP Tab
AS3 Host: Advanced Tab
AS3 Mailbox
AS3 Mailbox: AS3 Tab
AS3 Mailbox: Certificates Tab
Overriding AS3 Local Listener Certificates
AS3 Mailbox: FTP Tab
AS3 Mailbox: Security Tab
AS3 Action
AS3 Action: Action Tab
Verifying Your AS3 Names
AS3-Specific Directories
AS4 Hosts
AS4 Configuration
AS4 Host configuration
AS4 Host: General Tab
AS4 Host: AS4 Tab
AS4 Host: HTTP Tab
AS4 Host: Advanced Tab
AS4 Mailbox configuration
AS4 Mailbox: AS4 Tab
AS4 Mailbox: Certificates Tab
AS4 Mailbox: HTTP Tab
AS4 Mailbox: Security Tab
AS4 Mailbox: Packaging Tab
AS4 Action configuration
AS4 Action: Action Tab
AS4 Command Reference
ebXML Hosts
ebXML Configuration
ebXML Host
ebXML Host: General Tab
ebXML Host: ebXML Tab
ebXML Host: CPA Tab
ebXML Host: HTTP Tab
ebXML Host: Advanced Tab
ebXML Mailbox
ebXML Mailbox: ebXML Tab
ebXML Mailbox: CPA Tab
ebXML Mailbox: Certificates Tab
ebXML Mailbox: HTTP Tab
ebXML Mailbox: Security Tab
ebXML Mailbox: Packaging Tab
ebXML Trading Partner
ebXML Action
ebXML Action: Action Tab
Testing Your ebXML Installation
ebXML-Specific Directories
SSH FTP Configuration
SSH FTP Host: General Tab
SSH FTP Host: Advanced Tab
SSH FTP Mailbox
SSH FTP Mailbox: SSH FTP Tab
Private key authentication
SSH FTP Mailbox: Packaging Tab
SSH FTP Action
SSH FTP Action: Action Tab
SSH FTP Command Reference
OFTP Hosts
OFTP Configuration
OFTP Host: General Tab
Adding an incoming destination or parameter
OFTP Host: V2 Tab
OFTP Host: Advanced Tab
OFTP Mailbox
OFTP Mailbox: OFTP Tab
OFTP Mailbox: V2 Tab
OFTP Mailbox: Certificates Tab
OFTP Mailbox: Security Tab
OFTP Mailbox Security: TCP Tab
OTFP Mailbox Security: Session Tab
OFTP Mailbox Security: EERP Tab
OFTP Mailbox Security: CLID Tab
OFTP Mailbox Security: ACE Tab
OFTP Mailbox: Packaging Tab
OFTP Action
OFTP Action: Action Tab
OFTP Command Reference
MQ Hosts
MQ Configuration
MQ Host
MQ Host: General Tab
MQ Host: MQSeries Tab
MQ Host: Advanced Tab
MQ Mailbox
MQ Mailbox: MQSeries Tab
MQ Mailbox: Security Tab
MQ Mailbox: Packaging Tab
MQ Action
MQ Action: Action Tab
MQ Command Reference
SMTP and SMTP/s Hosts
SMTP Configuration
SMTP Host: General Tab
SMTP Host: Advanced Tab
SMTP Mailbox
SMTP Mailbox: SMTP Tab
SMTP Mailbox: DSN Tab
SMTP Mailbox: Content Tab
SMTP Mailbox: Authenticate Tab
SMTP Mailbox: Security Tab
SMTP Mailbox: Packaging Tab
SMTP Action
SMTP Action: Action Tab
SMTP Command Reference
MLLP Hosts
MLLP Overview
MLLP Configuration
MLLP Host: General Tab
MLLP Host: Advanced Tab
MLLP Mailbox
MLLP Mailbox: MLLP Tab
MLLP Mailbox: Queuing Tab
MLLP Mailbox: Packaging Tab
MLLP Action
MLLP Action: Action Tab
MLLP Command Reference
WS Hosts
WS Configuration
WS Host
WS Host: General Tab
WS Host: Web Service Tab
WS Host: Commands Tab
WS Host: Advanced Tab
WS Mailbox
WS Mailbox: Web Service Tab
WS Mailbox: Headers Tab
WS Mailbox: Security Tab
WS Mailbox: Packaging Tab
WS Action
WS Action: Action Tab
WS Variables
Predefined Variables
Complex Data Types
Method Input Terms
Method Input Functions
WS Expressions
WS Command Reference
RNIF Hosts
Interfacing with
Outgoing Documents
Content as XML Fragment
Content as CDATA Section
Content as Base64 Encoded Data
Outgoing Documents with attachments
Incoming Documents
RNIF Configuration
RNIF Host: General Tab
RNIF Host: RosettaNet Tab
RNIF Host: Advanced Tab
RNIF Mailbox
RNIF Mailbox: RosettaNet Tab
RNIF Mailbox: PIPs Tab
PIP Editor
RNIF Mailbox: Certificates Tab
RNIF Mailbox: Packaging Tab
RNIF Action
RNIF Action: Action Tab
RNIF Command Reference
fasp Hosts
fasp Configuration
fasp Host
fasp Host: General Tab
fasp Host: Advanced Tab
Overwrite and Resume Check properties
fasp Mailbox
fasp Mailbox: fasp Tab
Private key authentication
fasp Mailbox: Packaging Tab
fasp Action
fasp Action: Action Tab
fasp Command Reference
EBICS Configuration
EBICS Host: General Tab
EBICS Host: Advanced Tab
EBICS Mailbox
EBICS Mailbox: EBICS Tab
Executing an ancillary order
Managing keys within EBICS
Uploading your keys
Downloading the bank keys
Printing initialization letters
Suspending your account
EBICS Mailbox: ES Tab
EBICS Mailbox: Certificates Tab
EBICS Mailbox: HTTP Tab
EBICS Mailbox: Authenticate Tab
EBICS Mailbox: Security Tab
EBICS Mailbox: Packaging Tab
EBICS Trading Partner
EBICS Action
EBICS Action: Action Tab
EBICS Command Reference
EBICS-Specific Directories
EBICS Quick-Start Steps
Before Starting
Host Configuration
Mailbox Configuration
Key Exchange
Send and Receive a Test File
HSP Hosts
HSP configuration tips
HSP Configuration
HSP host configuration
HSP Host: General Tab
HSP Host: HTTP Tab
HSP Host: Advanced Tab
HSP mailbox configuration
HSP Mailbox: HTTP Tab
HSP Mailbox: Certificates Tab
Overriding HSP Local Listener Certificates
HSP Action
HSP Action: Action Tab
HSP Command Reference
Users Host
Users host configuration
Users: General Tab
Users: Privileges Tab
Users: Policy Tab
Users: Advanced Tab
Virtual subfolders
Home connector
Users mailbox configuration
Users Mailbox: Login Tab
Users Mailbox: IP Filter
Users Mailbox: Packaging Tab
User Action
Users Action: Action Tab
Users Command Reference
Connector Host
Connector Configuration
Connector Host Configuration
Connector Host: General Tab
Connector Host: Properties Tab
Connector Host: Advanced Tab
Connector Host: Info Tab
Connector Host Action Configuration
Connector Host Action: Action Tab
Connector Host Command Reference
Standalone Actions
Standalone Action Configuration
Standalone Action: Action Tab
Standalone Action: Messages Tab
Scheduling actions - Native and Classic Web UI
Scheduling actions to run at specific dates and times
Scheduling actions to run weekly
Scheduling actions to run monthly
Scheduling actions to run one time
Scheduling actions to run automatically by polling for files
Requirements when polling for files
Scheduling actions to run based on events
Scheduling actions - Web UI
Scheduling actions to run automatically by polling for files
Requirements when polling for files
Scheduling actions to run at specific dates and times
Scheduling actions to run weekly
Scheduling actions to run monthly
Scheduling actions to run one time
Scheduling actions to run based on events
Schedule formats
Date/time-based schedule format
One-time schedule
Weekly schedule
Monthly schedule
Continuous schedule
Event-based schedule format
Setting up automated outgoing routes
Managing Trading Partners
About the Trading Partners table
Filtering the Trading Partner Table
Searching the Trading Partner Table
Adding or editing a Trading Partner
Trading Partner: General Tab
Edit Partner Types
Edit Address Types
Trading Partner: Contacts Tab
Contact: Contact Tab
Contact: Address Tab
Contact: Trading Partners Tab
Contact: Notes Tab
Trading Partner: Identifiers Tab
Trading Partner: Connections Tab
Trading Partner: Notes Tab
Exporting Contacts
Importing Contacts and EDI Parameters
Viewing transfer status
Transfer Status Filter
Transfer Status Filter - General Tab
Transfer Status Filter - Tracking Tab
Transfer Status Filter - VersaLexes Tab
Transfer Status Filter - Advanced Tab
Transfer Table Standard View
Tool-tip snapshots
Right-click menu options
Viewing detailed information
Viewing a copy
Viewing Resend/Rereceive Chain
Resending and rereceiving
Emailing a Copy
Rerunning a Failed Action
Transfer Report Generation
Transfer EDI Table View
Transfer Entries for CHECK Commands
Viewing transfer status - Web UI
Resending and re-receiving - Web UI
Transfer Report generation - Web UI
View Information - Web UI
View File - Web UI
Download File - Web UI
Advanced filtering options for Transfers
Viewing log files
Viewing the event log - Web UI
Advanced filtering options for Logs
License and registration
About your license
Viewing your license
License content
Requesting a permanent license
Registering your serial number
Updating your software
Unregistering a license
Certificate management
Generating self-signed user certificates
Generating a new self-signed user certificate based on an existing certificate
User certificate reference
Generating PEM-formatted certificate signing requests
Generating trusted CA certificates from OpenPGP or SSH FTP keys
Replacing a user certificate with a CA-signed certificate (server ID)
Importing certificates
Importing user certificates and private keys (one PKCS12 file)
Importing user certificates with private keys (two files)
Importing CA certificates
Exporting certificates
Exporting user certificates
Exporting private keys
Exporting both user certificates and private keys (one PKCS12 file)
Exporting OpenPGP or SSH FTP keys
Exporting CA certificates
Replacing trusted CA certificates
Moving certificates
Moving a pending CA certificate to trusted CA certificate
Moving a trusted CA certificate to pending CA certificate
Removing certificates
Removing user certificates
Removing CA certificates
Configuring certificate management options including CRL and TSL
Viewing user and CA certificate usage
Exchanging certificates with your trading partner
Displaying the certificate exchange dialog box
Additional certificate filtering
Sending certificate exchange messages
Receiving inbound EDIINT CEM responses
Using the local encryption certificate for the first time
Receiving inbound EDIINT CEM requests
Auto-accepting inbound EDIINT CEM requests
Responding to inbound EDIINT CEM requests
Using the partner's signing certificate for the first time
CEM-specific email alerts
Non-CEM capable trading partners
About the Certificate Exchange dialog box
Scheduling certificates for future use
Reverting a certificate schedule
Allowing overlapping signing/encryption keys
Handling expired certificates
User management
Configuring the
Cleo VLNavigator
LDAP server
Cleo VLNavigator
LDAP server configuration reference
Cleo VLNavigator
LDAP domain configuration reference
Cleo VLNavigator
LDAP user configuration reference
Default LDAP group
LDAP server
Server configuration reference
Domain configuration reference
User configuration reference
SAML configuration
Configuring SAML
Configuring and exporting SAML service provider information
Importing SAML identity provider information
Viewing an imported IDP file
SAML service provider reference
SAML identity provider reference
File system
Specifying default host directories
Default host directory Reference
CIFS directories
Configuring Windows/Unix folder access
AS/400 Setup and installation
AS/400 Overview
AS/400 Process map
AS/400 Getting Started
Cleo LexiCom
on AS/400
Installing on an Integrated File System
Installing the Native File System portion
Configuring and testing on AS/400
Configuring for AS/400 Native or Integrated File System access
Configuring directories for AS/400
Selecting a file system type for AS/400
Reading and writing into the AS/400 Native File System
Assigning Object Authority to AS/400 Native File System Objects
Configuring Content-Type Inboxing for the AS/400 Native File System (AS2 only)
Starting and stopping on the AS/400
Troubleshooting your AS/400 system
Database payload
Exporting user files
Importing user files
Bootstrap configuration
Other system options
Advanced system options
Local Listener
Configuring the Local Listener
Configuring a Local Listener for HTTP
HTTP Local Listener reference
Configuring a Local Listener for FTP
FTP Local Listener reference
Configuring a Local Listener for SMTP
SMTP Local Listener reference
Configuring a Local Listener for OFTP
OFTP Local Listener reference
Configuring a Local Listener for SSH FTP
SSH FTP Local Listener reference
Configuring Local Listener Responses
Configuring certificates for Local Listener
Local Listener Certificates reference
Specifying Local Listener advanced properties
Local Listener AS2 Service
Configuring AS2 Service
Local Listener AS2 Service reference
Working with MDNs
Resending or canceling a pending message
Filtering the MDN list
Archiving MDNs
Local Listener AS3 Service
Configuring AS3 Service
Local Listener AS3 Service reference
Working with MDNs
Local Listener AS4 Service
Configuring AS4 Service
Local Listener AS4 Service - AS4 Tab
Local Listener AS4 Service - Receipts Tab
Local Listener ebXML Message Service
Configuring ebXML Message Service
Local Listener ebXML Service reference
Configuring ebXML CPA
Local Listener ebXML CPA reference
Viewing ebXML acknowledgments
Local Listener fasp Service
Local Listener fasp reference
Local Listener HSP Service
Configuring Local Listener HSP Service
Local Listener HSP Service reference
Local Listener HTTP Service
Configuring Local Listener HTTP Service
Local Listener HTTP Service reference
Local Listener RosettaNet Service
Configuring Local Listener RosettaNet Service
Local Listener RosettaNet Service reference
Working with RosettaNet PIPs
Filtering the PIP list
Working with RosettaNet Acknowledgments
Filtering the RNIF acknowledgment list
Archiving RNIF acknowledgments
Local Listener Odette FTP Service
Configuring OFTP Service
Local Listener OFTP Service reference
Working with OFTP EERPs
Filtering EERPs
Local Listener SMTP Service
Configuring SMTP Service
Local Listener SMTP Service reference
Configuring inbound and outbound media types
Working with DSNs
Filtering the DSN list
Archiving DSNs
Local Listener Web Browser Service
Configuring Cleo
web browser service
Local Listener Cleo
Web Browser Service reference
About Default Portal Configuration
Configuring VLPortal Web Browser service
Local Listener VLPortal Web Browser Service reference
Maintaining the VLPortal web page catalog
Editing, cloning, or creating a web portal
Editing or creating a web page
Editing a base page
Editing a custom or link page
About custom pages
About link pages
Viewing a web portal cross reference
Viewing a web page cross reference
Configuring manual file transfer metadata
Internationalizing your web portals
Adding support for a new language to the base pages
Adding support for a new language to the help documentation
Sample web portal layout
Providing access to the web portal
Embedding web portal base pages into external web pages
Configuring Dashboards and System Monitor for web browser service
Local Listener Dashboard and System Monitor web browser service reference
Cleo Unify
for web browser service
Configuring graphics and fonts
Configuring web browser service advanced properties
Local Listener Web Service
Local Listener Web Service SOAP reference
Local Listener REST Service reference
Configuring Local Commands host
Setting up local packaging for Local Commands host
OpenPGP local packaging for Local Commands host reference
XML Encryption local packaging for Local Commands host reference
Local Commands host advanced properties
Configuring local FTP users
Configuring local FTP user directories
Configuring access for FTP host users
Configuring FTP for Local FTP Mailbox
Configuring AS3 for Local FTP Mailbox
Local AS3 message headers reference
Local AS3 settings reference
Local AS3 certificates reference
Configuring LDAP for Local FTP Mailbox
Local FTP users mailbox advanced properties
Configuring mailbox packaging
Configuring IP filtering for an FTP mailbox
Action Tab
FTP Server Command Reference
Local HTTP Users Configuration
Configuring Local HTTP User directories
Configuring access for HTTP host users
Configuring HTTP for Local HTTP Mailbox
Configuring LDAP for Local HTTP Mailbox
Configuring IP Filter for Local HTTP Mailbox
Local HTTP Mailbox Advanced Properties
Local HTTP Mailbox Packaging
Local HTTP Mailbox Action Commands
HTTP Server Command Reference
Local SSH FTP Users configuration
Configuring local SSH FTP user directories
Configuring access for SSH FTP host users
Configuring SHH FTP for local SHH FTP mailbox
Configuring LDAP for local SSH FTP mailbox
Configuring IP filter for local SSH FTP mailbox
Local SSH FTP mailbox advanced properties
Local SSH FTP mailbox packaging
Local SSH FTP mailbox action commands
SSH FTP Server command reference
SSH FTP file attributes
Local command reference
Creating a VersaLex pool
VersaLex pools
VersaLex Pool User Groups
VersaLex Pool VersaLexes
VersaLex Pool Transfers
Saving or printing the graphs
Configuring for a proxy
Cleo VLProxy
configuration reference
FTP proxy configuration reference
HTTP proxy configuration reference
SMTP proxy configuration reference
SOCKS proxy configuration reference
Configuring IP filtering
Configuring a whitelist
Configuring a blacklist
Reviewing the IP filter list
Reviewing TCP/IP port usage
Synchronizing user configuration on multiple instances
File tracking
EDI tracking
XML tracking
Text tracking
SNMP agent
Embedded database
Cleo Portal
Configuring Cleo Portal
Cleo Portal
Customizing your
Cleo Portal
Cleo Portal
login page graphics
Cleo Portal
CSS customization parameter reference
Setting up single-login access to Admin UI and Cleo Portal
Two-factor authentication
Enabling mixed mode authentication for
Cleo Portal
Clustering considerations for Unify in Portal
Copying items in Cleo Portal
Moving items in Cleo Portal
Renaming items in Cleo Portal
Sharing items in Cleo Portal
Disabling anonymous links
Expiration of user access
Cleo VLNavigator
Configuring the
Cleo VLNavigator
Creating a VersaLex pool
Add a VersaLex
View/Edit Trading Partners
LDAP Configuration
Create a User Group
Add a User
VersaLex pools
VersaLex Pool User Groups
VersaLex Pool VersaLexes
VersaLex Pool Transfers
Saving or printing the graphs
User Groups, Transfer Monitors, and System Counters
About User Groups
About Transfer Monitor
Getting Finer Granularity In Your Graphs
About System Counters
Configuring the
Cleo VLNavigator
LDAP server
Cleo VLNavigator
LDAP server configuration reference
Cleo VLNavigator
LDAP domain configuration reference
Cleo VLNavigator
LDAP user configuration reference
Default LDAP group
User Group Tab
VLNavigator User Group Tab
User Group VLNavigator Privileges
User Group: System Privileges Tab
User Group File Transfer Report Tab
User Group Application Settings Tab
Cleo VLNavigator
User Tab
Configure your dashboards
Operator Audit Trail
Configuring Operator Audit Trail
Viewing the Operator Audit Trail
Filtering the Operator Audit Trail
About the Operator Audit Trail Report
Cleo VLNavigator
System Monitor
Configuring VLNavigator System Monitor
Cleo Unify
Cleo Trust
Extended Commands
CHECK command
CHECK command advanced properties
CHECK command dialog
CHECK command parameters
CHECK command search scope
CHECK command reference
SCRIPT command
SCRIPT command dialog
SCRIPT command reference
URI File System Interface
URI File System interface overview
JMS URI scheme
MSMQ URI scheme
VLPipe URI scheme
Custom URI scheme
XML file formats
Host files
System log file
Cryptographic Services
Cryptographic services overview
Signing and encryption: general overview
Content integrity through digital signatures (signing)
Encryption of zip files
AS2 Checklist
AS/400 PC network access setup
AS/400 Network Access overview
Network Access process map
Configuring AS/400 Network Access
Selecting the AS/400 Inbound/Outbound Directory paths
Creating Inbound and Outbound native files
Creating links for the Inbound and Outbound files
Defining a default file member (AS2 only)
Defining an Authorization List
Configuring content-type inboxing for the Native File System (AS2 only)
Configuring AS/400 mapped drives for text conversion (Windows only)
Database Definitions
Driver and connection strings
Transfer database fields
Transfer log
External transfers
EDI tracking fields
XML tracking fields
Text tracking fields
Supplemental tracking fields
SLA/KPI fields
Static tables
Database payload
Sending database payload
Receiving database payload
Cleo VLNavigator
Application/User access database fields
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